SLTMobitel has introduced the cloud-based enterprise e-learning solution akazaLMS by partnering with i-Context. With a set of application programming interfaces for integration between heterogeneous systems, akazaLMS will allow the enterprises to create, catalogue, manage and track all types of learning activities to blend into any organizational ecosystem easily. Enterprises can use akazaLMS, bespoke to the specific requirements needed, with intellectual Property licensed Microsoft technologies by SLTMobitel.
SLTMobitel, in a partnership with i-Context, introduced the cloud-based enterprise e-learning solution akazaLMS. AkazaLMS, hosted on the Azure Stack Hub, is a flexible and cost-effective e-learning platform, offering a complete end-to-end process. These will include web-based, instructor-led, video-based, or file-based courses and classes and SCORM and AICC compliant e-learning. Without buying and setting up expensive hardware or software, akazaLMS cut short the learning curve. With collaborative features, multi-device access and interactivity, data residency (all your data resides within the country), and reduced latency, par with today's compliances and standards, akazaLMS bring Web 2.0 features to e-Learning.